Frankfort Focus Wikia

Bill Information[]

Title: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy.

Sponsor: Mary Lou Marzian

Date Introduced:11 February 2016

Final Resolution: Died In House Health and Welfare Committee

What Does it Do?[]

This Act is relating to the KY Board of Pharmacy. It repeals reciprocity requirements for the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy's licensing of home and medical equipment with bordering states.

What are the Politics?[]

Pro-allowed KY Board of Pharmacy to license and provide reciprocity for home medical equipment and services from providers in 7 bordering states. This provided extra revenue for this governing board.

Con- Extra administrative paperwork for licensing agencies if KY requirements were more stringent.

Major Changes Occurred During Process[]

This bill was introduced into the House on February 11th. It was then sent to the House Health and Welfare committee on the 16th of February. It was posted in this committee on the 18th and died here..

Media Coverage[]

No media coverage.

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